Planning Board Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2013
Memorial Hall
Members Present:
W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, O. Lies, S. Carlson, J. Head, J. Michalak
Members Absent:
D. Sciascia, Recording Secretary, I. McCauley, DPW
Staff Present:
P. Harding, Town Planner, I. McCauley, DPW
7:00 PM: W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.
7:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING – Wachusett Woods – Definitive Subdivision, Consideration of Rescission: The Planning Board voted to bring the subdivision to public hearing for failure to properly maintain the roadways throughout the Winter months. Since notification of the hearing the Developer has hired Busy Bee Nursery as the new contractor to plow, salt and sand the roads.
The Town has also requested a schedule of completion for remaining infrastructure items.
Resident, 31 Shady Lane: Stated that the road treatment has significantly improved, but he is concerned with overgrowth within the subdivision.
Atty. Jonathan Finkelstein, Representative for the developer, said that they have a purchase and sale agreement for the remaining house lots.
Lou Mountzaures, Applicants representative stated that Busy Bee has rein to salt & plow as needed. He gave his phone number 413-505-9241 as a contact for improper treatment.
George Kiritsy, Attorney for the potential buyer of the remaining lots, asked the Planning Board not revoke approval of the subdivision now that it is progressing.
A final coat of paving will prevent further deterioration of the base coat and bring the paving level to manholes to ensure effective treatment of the roadways.
D. Lindberg motioned to close the Public Hearing. J. Head seconded. All in favor.
J. Head motioned to take no action on the revocation of subdivision approval, and to require an additional condition that the final coat of paving be installed prior to October 15, 2013 or the subdivision approval will be automatically revoked. J. Michalak seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.
HIGHLANDS OF HOLDEN (f.k.a. Deer Run) Citizen Petition to Remove “No Parking” Signs at Turning Radius on Vista Circle. Residents of Vista Circle have requested “No Parking” signs be
removed from the roadway. The petition was initiated by the owner of 33 Vista Circle, which is the home located at the interior of the curve. The residents claim that parking will not interfere with the site distance and the signage detracts from the suburban character of the neighborhood. P. Harding has requested the Department of Public Works and Public Safety Department review the request.
The Department of Public Works has submitted written approval of the request and it is still under review by the Fire Department.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.
CHAPTER 61A – REQUEST FOR RELEASE Chapin Road, Boisvert, Lots 1 & 2: Chapter 61A is a classification of land which provides significant tax relief to property owners for undeveloped property great than five acres. If property classified as Chapter 61A land receives an offer for purchase, the Town can initiate first right of refusal, voting to buy the land by matching the purchase price included in the offer to purchase within 120 days.
Two lots located on Chapin Road were created from 125 Chapin Road through the Approval Not Required process. Lot 1 consists of 4.35 acres and was permitted for a single family home with a septic system. Lot 2 consists of 1.75 acres and has also been permitted for the construction of single family home and septic system. Both lots contain wetlands, restricting the density, and amount of clearing permitted. The lots abut the City of Worcester Watershed land. The request for release, the $195,000 offer to purchase the property, and map of the lots were given to the Board for review.
A letter will be sent to the Selectmen stating the property has no planning significance.
D. Lindberg motioned no planning significance. O. Lies seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.
- January 8, 2013: O. Lies motioned to approve with a change. D. Lindberg seconded. W. Ritter, J. Head and S. Carlson abstained from the vote. Vote 3-0-3, APPROVED.
- January 22, 2013: D. Lindberg motioned to approve. S. Carlson seconded. Vote 6-0, APPROVED.
- February 12, 2013: D. Lindberg motioned to approve. J. Michalak seconded. J. Head abstained from the vote. Vote 5-0-1, APPROVED.
NEXT MEETING: April 9, 2013 agenda item is the marijuana dispensary moratorium.
D. Lindberg motioned to adjourn. J. Head seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 8:00 PM.
March 19, 2013 Minutes approved: May 14, 2013
By Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary